history of the company:

   According to the law approved in May 1943 and in order to develop and improve the country's irrigation system, an independent company was established under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture called "Independent Irrigation Company". With the continuation of the said agency's activity, following a suggestion of the Organization of Budget and Planning, the Council of Ministers approved the creation of Sefidroud Administration of Water and Electricity on June 1960.

   On February 1955, Guilan Regional Electricity Co. was separated from the said administration and continued its activities with an independent board of directors. Since 1969, the formation of Shomal (the North) Regional Water and Electricity Company was approved by the National Consultative Assembly and on May 1977, Rasht Administration of Water and Sewage Affairs was officially handed over to Shomal Regional Water and Electricity Company as well. According to the law ratified by the Ministry of Power Generation in 1979, the Administration of Zanjan Regional Water Affairs was seceded from Azarbaijan Regional Water and Electricity Company and devolved to Shomal Regional Water and Electricity Co.

   Based on the law ratified by the Revolutionary Council in 1980, the name of Shomal Regional Water and Electricity Company was changed to 'Shomal Regional Water Company' and by virtue of the law approved by the Council of Ministers in 1984, it was divided into Guilan and Mazandaran Regional Water Companies.

   Following the above-mentioned ratified law and according to the stipulation of article No. 32 of the law of fair distribution of water and based on the proposal of the Ministry of Power Generation dated September 15, 1984, Guilan Regional Water Co. with an original capital of 8,618,000,000 Rls. was formed, while on the strength of the stipulation of article No. 4 of the Third Development Plan Act passed by the Council of Ministers, articles of association of the company's capital was completely transferred to the professional parent company of Iran Water Resources Management.

   With the above-mentioned points taken into account, Guilan Regional Water Company has continued its activities within the new structure. Moreover, since early 1990, in order to reduce government incumbency and to strengthen the private sector, while gradually assigning some of its services, studies and executive activities to newly established subsidiary underlying companies, the company has seceded a number of its supervised units including Rasht and Zanjan Drinking Water Affairs Divisions so that they could continue their activities as independent companies.

   In recent years, all underlying companies being under the supervision of Guilan Regional Water Company have been privatized as well and are active as independent consulting and contractor companies.




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Contact Us

  • Address : Rasht, Imam Khomeini Boulevard, Gilan Regional Water Company
  • P.O Box : 4188866789
  • Tel : +98-1332669021-9
  • Fax : +98-1332667083
  • Email : info[at]glrw.ir
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