Quality Policy

Gilan Regional Water Company is responsible for performing operational duties of water resources management in the field of recognizing, studying, creating and developing, protecting and optimally exploiting water resources and supervisory duties contained in laws and regulations, and the Ministry of Energy in issuing licenses to use water resources which is needed in different consumption sectors. In implementing its work processes and providing stakeholder and customer satisfaction and in order to achieve the set goals, by establishing the standard of quality management system ISO9001: 2008 this company commits to take steps to fulfill commitments and gain customer satisfaction and continuously improve the quality of work processes.



Water resources management reference in line with the needs of stakeholders with a focus on the optimal use of water resources in the country for sustainable development



Our mission is to manage water resources for all stakeholders and their satisfaction is our most important task. We believe that the use of efficient, creative and task-oriented human resources and new technologies pave the way for providing services in accordance with the new needs of society and create a suitable environment for employees and customers.


Organizational values:

-Customer satisfaction and confidence of the services provided

-Observance and implementation of regulations and instructions of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources Management

-Training and empowerment of staff

-Continuous quality improvement in system, process and product

-Improvement, development and updating of infrastructure (hardware and software)



1) Improving customer satisfaction

2) Improving the level of education and development of collective work culture among the company's personnel

3) Increasing the efficiency of maintenance operations and repair in operating facilities and various water consumptions

4) Organizational downsizing and outsourcing services

5) Continuous improvement of processes and methods operated with the focus on information technology

6) Comprehensive planning of water and meeting the current and future needs of the region with emphasis on reducing the time of projects implementation

7) Management and protection of water resources, in accordance with up-to-date knowledge and observance of the principles of sustainable development


Gilan Regional Water Company believes that organizational goals will be achieved only with the empathy, cooperation and participation of all employees in the best and most effective implementation of the quality management system. Therefore, it is determined that all employees make the necessary efforts to properly understand, apply and maintain the objectives of this policy. And in this regard­, the responsibility of overseeing the establishment, proper implementation and support of this policy is delegated to the management representative in the quality system.


Also, all partners are expected to help us in this important task by knowing their responsibilities and authorities and using the quality system documentation and planning correctly in order to achieve these goals.


Chairman and CEO




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Contact Us

  • Address : Rasht, Imam Khomeini Boulevard, Gilan Regional Water Company
  • P.O Box : 4188866789
  • Tel : +98-1332669021-9
  • Fax : +98-1332667083
  • Email : info[at]glrw.ir
  • SMS : 1000602331
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