Gilan Regional Water Company Partnership Strategy

Publication of Gilan Regional Water Company participation strategy

This company exposes all its issued regulations, including directives, regulations, instructions and executive rules, etc., to the public through its electronic portal for 2 weeks before being notified, and after receiving constructive comments and criticisms from the people, they will be corrected and then announced.

1-All citizens can send their requests, comments and suggestions through the "Submit Comments and Suggestions" system, which has been informed under the same title on the same site, and receive a tracking code. Received requests are sent mechanically to the relevant specialized units and the response is entered in the system. Citizens can get their answer using the tracking code

2- Citizens can use the "Meet the CEO" system, which is placed under the same heading in the company's information base and make their requests. Received requests are sent mechanically to the relevant specialized units and the response is entered in the system. Citizens can get their answer using the tracking code.

3-Citizens can use the "Contact Us" menu and Communicate with the managers of this company by using their phone number, fax and e-mail.

4- Citizens can send their comments to the company through the "Suggestion System", which is placed under the same title in the company's information base.




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  • last update : 2025-03-12 11:57:45
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Contact Us

  • Address : Rasht, Imam Khomeini Boulevard, Gilan Regional Water Company
  • P.O Box : 4188866789
  • Tel : +98-1332669021-9
  • Fax : +98-1332667083
  • Email : info[at]
  • SMS : 1000602331
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